

image credit

home icon - iinkt
socials pagedoll - crowval
terms of service -
icon - kariibou



II.1: Designs created by @Lqtte can not be sold for more than their purchased value - whether real or digital currency - unless additional worth has been added through art. Art obtained for free does not add to a design's worth.II.2: @Lqtte’s designs are for personal use only and may not be used commercially.
this is a kine of text

II.1: Designs created by @Lqtte can not be sold for more than their purchased value - whether real or digital currency - unless additional worth has been added through art. Art obtained for free does not add to a design's worth.II.2: @Lqtte’s designs are for personal use only and may not be used commercially.II.3: Co-ownerships are permitted, but you may not profit over splitting ownership of the character.II.4: All designs purchased from @Lqtte have a three (3) day long cooldown. Designs may not be traded or resold during this period.II.5: Making alternative forms of a design is permitted, but all alternative forms must be attached to the original character. Alternative designs can not be sold separately.II.6: Designs created by @Lqtte may be redesigned, but @Lqtte must remain credited as the original designer. Designs can not be completely deleted. [add?]II.7: Designs may not be traded, sold, gifted or transferred for any reason to anyone on @Lqtte’s blacklist.II.8: Designs created by @Lqtte can not be replicated, whether for commercial gain or not.II.9: @Lqtte’s designs may not be used for fraudulent, discriminatory or unlawful purpouses or involved with cryptocurrency or non-fungible tokens.II.10: @Lqtte has the right to revoke a design if their terms of service are broken.Section III: Art
III.1: Art obtained from @Lqtte for free can not add value to a design.
III.2: @Lqtte-made art of a pre-existing design should not be sold separately from the design itself.III.3: Do not claim @Lqtte’s art as your own.III.4: @Lqtte’s art is for personal use only and may not be used commercially.III.5: You may edit @Lqtte art, if it depicts a character that you own, as long as you do not trace it and you have ownership of the character.
III.6: Art created by @Lqtte can not be replicated, whether for commercial gain or not.
III.7: @Lqtte’s art may not be used for fraudulent, discriminatory or unlawful purpouses or involved with cryptocurrency or non-fungible tokens.



terms of service
